
2023-11-03   来源:教学反思


第1篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思

No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing By Cao Yi

Unit 6 Where are the jazz CDs?



本单元的核心内容是用英语问路及谈论爱好,因此本单元的主要交际功能项目为“asking for and giving directions”and“talking about favorites,’本单元通过在音乐节Music Festivals)上问路,让学生在问路与指路的同时,又掌握了本单元中出现的音乐名词(Names of musical styles, such as jazz, pop, country)。在Section A中的3 ,4和1a,lb,2a,2b,2c为谈论自己的爱好,学生可当堂表演。



名词:jazz, pop, country,dance, video, floor,!!section, group,singer, sound,fan,are, direction, culture, palace, hall, painting, gate

形容词: classical, traditional, amazing, awful, bad, western

副词: upstairs

词组:not bad,and so on


1 Where’s the pop music?

Go upstairs and turn right.It"s next to the jazz.

2 What"s your favorite kind of music, Judy?

My favorite kind of music is...


1. Where are the jazz CDs?

Go upstairs /Go straight and turn right /left.

They are between the pop and the country

2 The use of the sentences structures.


1.Master the vocabulary.

2.Master and use:Where are the country CDs?

Go upstairs /Go straight and turn right /left.

They are between …and …/next to… behind …


重点 难点

I The vocabulary.

2 The Grammar. 1 Asking for and giving directions.

2 Talking about favorite.









My favorite kind of music is country, and The Smith Family is my favorite group …



A:What’s your favorite kind of music?

B:My favorite kind of music is country.

A:Who’s your favorite country group?

B:My favorite group is The Smith Family.





Section A(一)1课时

Section A(二)1课时

Section B(一)1课时

Section B(二)1课时

Section A(一)


Section A中la.lb.lc.2a.2b.2c Grammar focus



1、Match the vocabulary: jazz,classical,dance, pop,country, upstairs,video,floor, section,

2、Master and use:Where’s the jazz music?

Go straight /upstairs and turn left/right.It" s next to…/behind... /between…and…


学生在前几个单元已经学会了询问和指点方向,能自然地与本课知识相连接。通过“Where’s the jazz music?”引入创设情景,引起学生的兴趣。并借助媒体来调动学生的积极性。





1、The vocabulary

2、language points:

Where’s the jazz music?

Go straight /upstairs and turn left /right. It’s next to … / behind …/between…and …


1 Asking for and giving directions

2 Kind- of music



2 Language points的学习,借助于Where is……?的练习和课件的图画来使其形象化。








教学步骤、时间 教师时间 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization (1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other. Greetings

Step 2

Free talk (2’) Ask the student

1. “who is on duty?”

If there’s a student who doesn’t come, then ask.

2. “Is everyone here?”

3. “Where is he/she?”

4. “Why he/she isn’t here today?” The student who is on duty answer.


Presentation 20’ 1. Ask eight Ss to come to the front of the room and stand in two rows, leaving a few feet between Ss. Let the other Ss ask and answer questions about “Where is …? “He is between…and…”

“Where is…?” “She is behind…?/next to…”

2. Tell the Ss “Do as I told you”.(point to a student) “Wang Ming, go straight/go ahead, and then turn left, then turn right.” Let the Ss follow the directions. 学生模仿练习(impairs)


“Where is …” “He is between … and …”

“Where is …”

“She is behind …/ next to …

学生模仿表演(in pairs)

A student do as the other student told him/her.

go straight/go ahead, and then turn left, then turn right.”

3. Let the Ss practice in pairs using the CDs they have brought.

Such as one student ask “Which kind of music do you like best?”

Let the other Ss answer.

“Jazz or Country or Dance or pop or classical music.”

4. Let the Ss look at the Section A (la)

Ask the Ss to tell what they see.

Guide Ss to understand that the pictures shows different types of music. (Point: teach the new word “upstairs” with a picture.

At the same time, can teach “downstairs”)

5. Ask Ss to match each picture with one of the words on the left. Say “Write the letter of each picture. next to the words on the left”. Point out the sample answer.

Check the answer. (Answers: 1b, 2c, 3d, 4e, 5a)

6. (For 1b) Draw a set of stairs on the board. At the top of the stairs, write “jazz” in a box at the eight.

Write the three conversations on the Bb, then read it as you use your fingers to “walk” up the stairs and turn left to the “jazz” section. Then ask various Ss to come to the front of the Bb to read the other conversations, at the same time, use their fingers to walk to each section mentioned.

Play the recording the first time.

Play the recording the second time. This time, ask the Ss to listen to the recording and write the number of each conversation in the correct box. Point out the Sample answer.

Correct the answers.

(Answers: From left to right: 3, 2, 1)

7. (1c, Pair work)

Point to the conversations in 1b and ask Ss to read after you.

Use the stairs you drew on the board earlier. Erase the words you wrote before and write in the words “country” and “pop” to the left of the stairs, “dance” straight ahead of the stairs and “jazz” and “classical” to the right of the stairs.

8 (For 2a)

Ask four Ss to come to the front of the classroom. Arrange the Ss so that one is in the middle and the others are to the left of, to the right of, and behind the first student. Then describe the location of the Ss using the words “behind, next to and between”. For example, “Li Peng is behind Zhou Wen. Cao Ying is next Zhou Wen is between Cao Ying and Cong Zheng.”

Letn the Ss look at the pictures. Ask Ss to tell what they see in each picture.

Ask Ss to match each numbered sentence with one of the pictures. Say “Write the letter of each picture next to the correct sentence.

Check the answers. 小组表演

One student ask “Which kind of music do you like best?” Let the other Ss answer “Jazz or Country or Dance or pop or classical music”


“Where’s the dance music?”

“Go straight and turn left.”

“Where’s the classical music?”

“Go upstairs and turn right.”

Ss listen to the tape carefully

Ask Ss to match each numbered sentence with one of the pictures 多媒体放映图一


(The answers are 1a, 2c, 3b)

9 (For 2b)

First, tell the Ss that suppose they are clerks of a music store, if someone asks them the directions, what they should do?


注意CDs和 videos 中的s 发的[z] 解说在以元音或浊辅音([z], [v], [dv]除外)结尾的名词后读[z]。

例如:play [pleiz], doogs [z].

10 Ask Ss to work in pairs. Suppose one student is a clerk of a music store, the other is asking him/her for different kinds of CDs, show her the Ss listen to the tape carefully and label the map of the CD store Ss write them down


directions by looking.

At the map at Page 36, 2b.

Step 4

Practice (6’) Pairwork

Practice the conversations by looking at the screen and pictures on the Bb, ask and answer questions about other places in the pictures. Ss practice the dialogue in pairs “Where’s the pop music?” “It’s …” 多媒体放映 2a, 2b

Step 5

Just for fun (5’) 1. Ask all Ss to read the conversation. Have Ss identify the two characters in the cartoon.

2. Ask pairs of Ss to present the dialogue to the rest of the class.

3. Ask Ss to play both roles.

Work in pairs


Summary (2) 1. Summary the language points of this lesson.

2. Words and phrases of this class.

3. Language points.

Step 7

Test (4’) 同“练习设计 Do it by themselves.

Step 8

Consolidtion (4’) 1. Let’s Ss keep the Grammar Focus in their hearts.

2. Ss practice the Grammar Focus in pairs by looking at the pictures on the Bb.

Practice in pairs.

Homework (1’) Practice the dialogues according to the pictures on Page 35 and 36




本节课主要学习问路、指路和各种类型的音乐。学生掌握后,可以问学生如果别人问路而他不知道时该如何办?本课的拓展活动为Shelf - Check中的Just for fun,同时增进本课所学。如:

When’s the pop music/dance music?

Where are the country CDs/jazz CDs?

I don’t know! You don"t? No, I don’t. I don"t work here.




downstairs(反义词) videos,


在…的旁边 在…和…之间 上楼 下楼

一直往前走 向右转 爵士音乐 古典音乐





3. 乡村乐碟在哪里?他们在舞曲碟的旁边

4. 爵士乐碟在哪里?它们在乡村乐的旁边。


Unit 6 Where um the jam CDs?

1, Where’s the pop music? go straight

Go upstairs and turn right. go upstairs-go downstairs

It’s next to the dance music. pop music

2,Where are the country CDs? Between …and …

They are behind the jazz CDs.turn right/left

Section A(二)


Section A中3,4以及Self check中1,2两部分



1. Match the vocabulary : group, singer

2. Master and use:What’s yaw favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is country.


通过“What’s Bob’s favorite kind of music?”引入创设情景,引起学生的兴趣。并借助多媒体来提高学生的主动性,让其大量练习。





1. The vocabulary.

2. language points: What"s your favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is country.

Who"s your favorite group?

My favorite group is The Smith Family.


The language points










教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization(1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2

Free talk (2’) Ask the students

1. “Who is on duty?”

If there’s a student who doesn’t come, then ask

2. “Is everyone here?”

3. “Where is he /she?”

4. “Why he/she isn’t here today?” Answer.

Step 3

Revision (5’) 1. Draw a set of stairs on the Bb, at the top of the stairs, write “dance” in a box, and “pop” in a box in its right, and “country” on its left, behind the pop box write “jazz”, and behind the country box write “classical”

2. 2. Let the Ss works in pairs, practice the dialogues by looking at the picture. Ss work in pairs

1. “Where’s the pop music?” “Go upstairs and turn right. It’s next to the dance music.”

2. “Where’s the jazz music?” “Go straight and turn left. It’s …

3. …4. …

Step 4

Presentation (15’) 1.处是些听风的一张图片,问学生 “Who is he?”

Let the Ss answer. Then say: “Yes, you’re right, he is xie tingfeng.”

Ask a student “What is he? /What does he do?” (student can answer in Chinese.)

“Yes, he is a singer.” Teach the word ‘singer’.(sing-singer)

2. 让学生无人一组谈论

“Who is your favorite singer?”

“Who is your favorite group?”

“What’s your favorite kind of music?”

Let the Ss write their answers in the chart on the book (SectionA, 4)

3. Ask a student the other four’s favorite singer/goup/kind of music. eg, ask Wang Ping:

“Who is Li Ming’s favorite singer/group?”

“What’s Li Ming’s favorite kind of music?”

4. Let the Ss work in pairs. Ask the other three Ss in their group their favorite singer/group/kind of music.

5. Let a student describe the musical tasts of the other Ss in thir groups. Such as: Liu Fang’s favorite kind of music is dance, and his favorite singer is Sun Yue.

6. Tell the Ss “If I’m student A, if I want to know what Bob’s favorite kind of music is, what should I ask?” “Yes, I should ask ‘What’s favorite kind of music?’”

7. Ask the pairs to continue on their own.

Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs.

8. Go over the answers.

The answer are:

Bob: classical The Boston Orchestra

Carla: jazz Boys from Brzil

Mary: dance Patsy Street

Joe: country The Smith Family

Ss answer: ‘He is Xie Tingfeng.”

Answer my question in Chinese or English

Ss work in group of


“Who is your favorite singer?”

“Who is your favorite group?”

“What’s your favorite kind of music?”

Ask the other’s favorite singer/group/kind of music Work in groups.

Ss describe the musical tastes of the other Ss in their group.

Ss listen carefully

Work in pairs

Student A in each pair look at the chart on Page 37. Student B look at e the chart on Page92

Ask and answer

“What’s Bob’s/Carla’s/Mary’s/Joe’s favorite kind of music?” and so on. 多媒体放映


Consolidation(6’) Give Ss five minutes to consolidate the language points by practicing the dialogues which this class have learned in pairs. Work in pairs.

Step 6


(2’) Summa the language points of this lesson.

Show the teaching aims. Ss read after the teacher. 多媒体放映

Step 7

Test(8’) Self Check1, 2.

Ask Ss to check all the words they know.

Ask Ss to find out the meaning of any words they don’t know. They can do this by reviewing to unit, asking the teacher, asking their classmates, or using dictionaries.

Ask Ss to write five new words in their Vocabulary on Page 106.

After Ss to have recorded their new words, ask to have recorded their new words, ask them to share their lists with other Ss.

2. 同练习设计 Check all the words they know.

Find out the meaning of any words they don’t know.

Work in groups.


(1’) 1 Practice the dialogue in pairs after class.

“What ‘s your favorite kind of music?”

“Who’s your favorite singer/group?”

2 预习Section B 中的1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c.


本节学习了2个生词和What"s your favorite kind of music?及Who"s Bob"s favorit group/singer句式的练习和运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地用英语谈论自〔喜欢的歌词和乐队。


教师通过展示明星卡片,来引起学生的兴趣,通过对自己喜欢的歌手和乐队的谈论,(例如小组谈论”Who is your favorite singer?’’“Who is your favorite group?’

“What"s your favorite kind of music?’),引导学生联系实际,谈论一下当前国内-些较为流行的音乐,歌手及乐队等.




(1) My favorite kind of music is country.(划线提问)

(2) Bob’s favorite group is the Smith Family.(划线提问)

(3 ) My mother"s favorite singer is Cheng Long.(划线提问)


(1) Please look ______this page.

(2) Work ______small groups. Ask your classmates ______ their favorite groups or singers.

(3) Where"s the pop music?It"s next ________ the dance music.

(4) What"s your favorite kind ______ music?


Unit 6 Where are the jazz CDs

1 What’s Bob’s favorite kind of music? sing-singer

His favorite kind of music is … in small groups

2. Who’s Carla’s favorite group? Look at

Her favorite group is …


Section B中1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c



1. Master the vocabulary: amazing awful bad Latin sound

2. Can talk about singers or musical groups


学生在本单元Section A中已学过不同风格的音乐如;jazz music, dance music, classical music等,已具备了学习本课的初步知识,课前通过放不同风格的乐曲录音来导人新课,让学生通过听录音后的感受,来谈论他们喜欢的歌手或乐队。





1 The vocabulary

2 Language:Talk about singer or musical groups


Talk about singers or musical groups


1. 本课学习的单词主要是一些表示感情色彩的形容词,可通过丰富的表情演示来学习

2. Language放音乐录音,让学生边听边谈







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step l


(1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other

Step 2

Free talk(2}) Ask the student:

1 “Who is on duty?”

2 “What’s your favorite kind of music?”

3“Who’s your favorite singer/ group?” The student talk about something



(15") la:

1.Focus attention on the three faces:

Guide students to understand the meanings of the three faces: the snide face means“I like it”.The middle face with no smile means “I don’t like it or dislike it“. The frown face means ”I don’t like it“ 读单词并根据单词意思做出不同的表情

2.Then call attention to the list of words. Say each one and ask student"s to repeat then talk about what it means.


3.Ask students to draw the correct face on the line to each word. Draw the correct face

on the line.


1.Play a piece of dance music let students listen then ask them:Do you like the dance music?

Guide the students to answer:

”Yes,I do. It’s awful.” Then play another type of music, such as classical, jazz, country and so on

2.Ask each student to make a list of three singers or musical groups then ask them to work on pairs:

A: Do you like the Latin Sound?

B:No,I don’t.They’re awful.

C:Do you like?

D: Yes,I do.No, I don’t.


1.Let the Ss look at the chart and the pictures of the four students,tell them they will listen to recording of these four persons.Write the name

of each person’s favorite kind of music/favorite groups/singer and Description word in the blank under their photo,Then play the recording the first time, Ss only listen

2. Play the recording again.This time students listen and write their answers in the chart. Listen the music and

answer the question.

Make a list

Work in pairs

Do you like?

Yes …

No, ….

Listen to the cording

Listen and write.

Look at the chart.

Listen and complete

the chart.

2b Play the




1. let Ss look at the chart on the right, tell them that we will listen the recording again. listen and complete the chart.

2. Play the tape,students write the favorite group or singer and the description words in the chart.

Step 4


(5’) 2c:

Tell the students: This activity we will work in pain,you are Mike and your deskmate is Judy. Have a conversation about music like 2b. Talk about the music in pairs

Step 5


(2") 1.Words and phrases of this class

2. Language points talk about singers and musical groups. Talk about the music in pairs

Step 6


(8") Show the pictures of Tian Zhen, Na Ying.,Sun Nan,Beyound group,Yuquan and play their music,

let the students talk about them. Look, listen and talk 课件


Step 7

Homework(1’) 1.预习Section B中句3a,3b,3c



本节课学习了5个生词和Do you like? What"s your favorite句式的练习和运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能更加熟练地用英语谈论自己喜欢的歌词和乐队。


通过对国外某些歌手和乐队(Who’s your favorite singer/group?What’s your favorite kind of music?)的谈论,引导学生联系实际,谈论一下当前国内一些较为流行的音乐,歌手及乐队等.




Unit 6. Where are the jazz CDs?

1 amazing, awful,bad, 3 Do you like The Latin

great sound,terrible, No,I don’t.They’re awful /fantastic

2 What" your favorite... 4 Do you like Livinia Casey?

My favorite…is… Yes,I do.She"s cool.

Section B(二)


Section B中3a,3b,3c,4和Self Check中3.



1. The words(three skills): direction,culture, palace, area,western,eastern,hall,traditional,and,painting, by, and so on,gate

2. Master: How to give directions to the places that people ask you.








1 The vocabulary

2 How to give directions


How to give directions.










教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1


(1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2

Free talk

(2") Ask the students:

1.“Who is on duty?”

2.“What"s your favorite kind of music?”

3. “Who’s your favorite singer / group?” Students answer my questions



(15’) 1.“Now,pop music fans,listen carefully,if you,here”.(Start with a circle and label it.“You are here“)

Read the first set of instructions,draw a map of the pop store.

For example,when you read the words “Go straight’,draw an arrow straight up.

When you read the words “Turn left at the classical music’,

draw a box and label it‘classical music’,Then continue your first arrow around this box to the left.

Let Ss draw a map on the exercises books.

At the same time,let the other Ss look at the country music section, draw a map.in groups of four.

Let Ss work in groups of four,check the accuracy of the map by reading the instructions as their fingers through the map.

2.(3b),First,let the Ss look at the Big Sound music store map Point to each section of the store and ask Ss to read all the labels on the drawing.

Then ask Ss to fill in the missing words by themselves.

(As Ss work,the teacher can move around the room monitoring progress and answering any questions they may have.)The third,ask the Ss to check each other" s

won,and the teacher check the answers Pop music fans draw a map on their Exs books.

Draw maps

Ss work in groups of four.

Ss use their fingers to trace the path.

to the classical music section. 多媒体


3,Let the Ss write directions to the jazz/dance/country/pop sections. They can use the same kind of sentences.(As Ss work,the teacher can move around the mom monitoring progress and answering any questions they may have.)Ask Ss to check each other"s work.Then

check the answers. Write directions 多媒体




Step 4


(7’) From each group to be the first to give directions to be a location somewhere in the school.Tell the students that the first student to correctly guess the answer takes the next turn.

Self check(3a)

1.Let the students read the article by themselves.Find out the words that don"t know list it. They can learn them by looking them up the directions or asking the teacher or the classmates or looking at the books.

2.Let the students read the words they don’t know after the teacher. Summa, the language points of this unit.


见练习设计。 Work in groups

Ss do the activity 多媒体






本节课中,可以让学生在知道west一western,east ---eastern的同时,自己找出表示方向的名词转换为形容词时在其后面直接加ern就可以了。(例如south一southern, north一northern, southeast一southeastern northeast一northeastern,…等等。)并出训练题,如个性练习。




1.Direction _____ the Country Music section.

2.Turn left _____ the classical music

3.Pop music is _____ jazz and dance.

4.Look _____ the Big Sound music store map.Then fill ______ the blanks.

5.The classical music is next ______ the country music.

6. Welcome ________ the Culture Palace.

7.You can listen _______ classical music ______ Area E.

8.There you can see the traditional paintings ______ Qi Baishi.



1.We have a _______ (west) section,the left,and on ______ (east)section on the right.

2.a _______ (northeast)wind(东北风)

A _________(southeast)wind(东南风)

3.the _______ States of the U.S.A.(south)(美国南部各州)

4.The _______ (north)States of the U.S.A



Unit 6.Where are the jazz CDs?

Go straight west一western

Turn left at the east一eastern

pop section. south一southern

The classical music is north一northern

next to the country southeast一southeastern

music northwest一northwestern


在本单元的教学中,多数学生能按照老师的要求掌握好大纲的内容,而且本单元的内容与学生的生活息息相关,在现实生活中经常遇到,也经常谈论。通过小组练习、讨论,练习“Where’s the jazz music?” “It"s …”. ”What’s your favorite kind of music?”“It’s …” \"Who"s your favorite singer?……多数学生掌握得相当好。但是学生的自主学习能力尚待提高。

第2篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思

重庆市110中学 曹毅



本单元的核心话题是用英语询问人的长相、性格,因此 ‘talk about what people are like’是教学重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的表示性格的一些形容词。


词汇:serious,unfriendly,outgoing, generous, moody,be like, look like,come from,a little, such as,ect.

句型: --What’s Billy like? He’s shy,-What’s that?-That’s Mike.

---Who’s that? ---That’s Mike.


1.Master the vocabulary.

2.Master and use: -What’s Billy like? –He’s shy.

--Who"s that? That’s Mike


重点 难点

1.The vocabulary.

2.What’s... like?

3.Who’s that? talk about what people are like







Section A(一)1课时

Section A(二)1课时

Section B(一)1课时

Section B(二)1课时

Section A(一)


Section A中la. 1b.lc.2a.2b.2c Grammar focus



1、Match the vocabulary: serious,unfriendly, relationship, personality.

2、Master and use:--What’s Billy like? --He"s shy.

--Who"s that? --That’s Mike.


学生在前面已经学过了询问外貌特征的特殊疑问句,已具备了学习本课的初步知识。通过例子What is the weather like?引入创设情景,让学生身临其境,学习描述人性格特征的句子。





1. The vocabulary

2. language:What"s Billy like? He"s shy.


talk about what people are like



Language:What,s Billy like?,通过复习What is the weather like?What"s your favorite subject?句式,自然引人新课。







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1


1’ Organize Ss by greeting each other

Step 2 Free talk 2" The Ss talk about


Step 3


10" Ask the Ss to answer the following


1.What’s your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is English.

2.What’s the weather like today?

It’s sunny.

3.What"s your name?

My name is Zhang Hong,

Now today we’re going to talk about what people are like.First let’s learn some new words. 学生模仿练习

(in pails)


Look at this picture.Say, He is Peter.What’s he like?

(板书What’s he like?)

Help the Ss to answer: He’s very serious.

(板书He is serious)

5.Match the words with the people in the picture.

6. 出示与课本相同的图片

Ask: What’s Billy like?

He’s tall and serious.

What’s Jane like?

she"s friendly.

Some more asks and answers.

7.Listen and circle the words you hear in 2a.

Listen carefully and draw lines to match the words in 2a.We’ll listen twice.The fast time,the Ss on1y listen.

The second time,listen and write. 学生跟读和拼读单词


学生看图互相问答look at their books.

Listen and draw lines

carefully. 卡片展






本节课学习了4个生词和What"s he like? He is …句式的运用。通过本节课的学习,学生学会了用英语描述一个人的性格特征。




s____r_____ous unfr_____ndly rel____tionsh__p pers___al___ty



(1). 你认识琼吗?




Unit8 What"s John like?

1 serious 1 What"s Sally like?

2 unfriendly He is serious

3 relationship 2 The tall kid with short hair

4 personality

Section A(二)

教学内容 Section A中3a 3b 4



1.Match the vocabulary:sunglasses hobby

2.Master and use:who,s the tall thin boy with curly hair?

What are you like?I"m friendly.


上节课学习了关于人的特征、个性的问答,What"s he like?He is serious.通过问答这个句式,很自然地导人新课。





1 The vocabulary.

2 Language:Who’s the tall thin boy with curly hair?

What are you like?I’m friendly.


Use the language to ask what people are like.



Language的学习,通过复习上节的What"s he like?,自然引出本课的语言点。







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1


1 Organize Ss by greeting each other

Step 2

Free talk 2 Ask Ss what’s he like The students talk

about something

Step 3


5 1.What"s b Ping like?

He is funny.

2. What’s Li Hong like?

She’s friendly.

3,Do you know Wang Dong? Oh,he’s over there.He’s a tall thin boy.

Now this class we are going to continue to talk about what people are like.



Look,who’s the tall thin boy?

Help the Ss to answer:That’s Jack. He’s cool.Who’s the tall thin boy with curly hair?


That,s Billy.He’s cool. He likes to wear black shirts and sunglasses。

(板书He likes to wear black shirts and sunglasses.)

5. Look at the book 3a:

Ask Ss to number the four sentences.Then check the answers.

Now Practise the conversation in pairs 学生模仿练习多媒体


Step 4

Practise 6’ Now let’s see some thing about your friends…

Give the students the example:

Ann is smart and interesting.

She likes moveis and Kung Fu. 学生写出表格中三




Step 5


(2) 1. Words and phrases of this class.

2. Language points:

Who"s the tall thin boy with...…?

That,s Jack,He’s cool!He likes

What are you like?


本节课我们学习了两个生词。学习了What are you like?

Who"s the tall thin boy with curly hair? He’s cool! He likes ….句式的运用,学生初步学会了怎样描述衣着打扮。



A: Who’s_________________(长着长发的高个子的女孩)

B:That’s Lucy.She"s Smart.She likes ___________(戴太阳镜和穿游泳衣)

A: Why _________you like her?



Unit 8 What"s John like

words&phrases: Sentences:

1. Sunglasses 1. Who"s the tall thin boy with…

2. Hobby 2. He’s cool. He likes to wear…

3. The tall thin boy with curly hair

4.Look so serious

5.Wear black shirts and glasses

Section B(一)


Section B中的1a 1b lc 1d. 2a 2b教学目标


1. Match the vocabulary:

easygoing outgoing generous moody appearance

2. Master and use:

1. What does he look like?

2. Who’s that? He’s Emil.

3. What’s he like? He’s funny and outgoing.


上节课学习了What are you like? Who"s the tall thin boy?句式,本节知识是上节知识的扩展和巩固,通过对话,自然引入。





The vocabulary


What’s he like? He’s funny and outgoing.

Who’s that?


Use the language to introduce person.


本课单词以卡片和图片呈现学习,在language问答中加以巩固。Language的学习通过复习What’s he like?的句式进行。







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1


1’ Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2

Free talk 2" Ask the students what are you like The students talk about something

Step 3


8’ 1.What’s your brother like?

He is friendly.He likes to wear shirts and sunglasses.

2. Who’s that tall thin boy?

That"s Li Ping.

What’s he like?

He"s smart.He likes to draw pictures and see movies.

3. Look. This is Emil.What’s she like?

Help Ss to answer: She is outgoing.

Ask Ss to guess the meaning of` “outgoing” according to the picture.


5. Act the words with the people in the four pictures.

6.Ask and answer questions about the four pictures.

What’s Emil like? He’s funny and outgoing.

7.Listen and fill in the words.

Now Mary is talking with her friend in Australia.Listen carefully and fill in the chart.

Play the recording the first time,only listen.

Play the recording the second time fill in the words. 学生模仿练习


Read and learn

Practice in pairs 多媒体





本节课学习了5个描述人个性的生词,继续学习What’s he like?Who is that?句式的运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地询问一个人的品性和外貌。



1 What’s Lucy like?She’s ______.

2 What are you like?I’m ________.

3 What’s the tall boy like?He isn’t________.

4 What’s your mother like?She is e__________.

5 What’s your brother like?He is funny and s_______.




Unit 8 What’s John like

1 easy 1 What"s he like?

2 outgoing He’s funny and outgoing.

3 generous 2 What does she look like?

4 moody

5 appearance

Section B(二)


Section s中3a 3b 3c 4以及SelfCheck 3



1 Match the vocabulary:

exchange student the U.S. application form Canadian America over fifty cartoon blackboard such as

2 Master and use: Write a letter to introduce a person.







1 The vocabulary

2 Language


Use the language to describe people’s personalities.


本单元前三课已对描述人的句式进行了反复的练习,学生已能熟练的运用所学句式,通过提问What"s your friend like?What are you like?句式,自然引人课文的学习。







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Greeting. Greeting.

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Ask the student what are you like, The students talk about something.

Step 3


5’ 以本班学生为例

1.What are you like?

I"m friendly

2.What does he like?

He likes to wear shirts and sunglasses.

3.What’s your mother like?

Help the students to answer:

she is generous


Learn more words.

5.Read the letter and fill in the application form.

First read the text then answer the following questions:

(1) What’s the girl’s name?

(2) Where does she want to go?

3)What’s she?

(4) How old is she?

(5)What does she like?

Ask Ss to learn the text by heart. 学生模仿练习。

Read and learn.

回答问题。 多媒体


6.Self Check 3a

Ask the students to read the information and the fill in the table.

7.First read the information form.Ask Ss to write a letter about Kim. Ask some Ss to read

the letter to the class










3 Amy喜欢读书和听音乐。






Unit 8 What’s John like

1 an exchange student 1 name

2the U.S. 2 age

3 like reading and listening to music

4 a short man with long hair 3 hobby

5 over fifty years 4. personality

第3篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思


Unit 1  Wheres the post office? Language goal This unit students leam to ask for and give directions(方向) on the street. New language Is there a bank near here? Yes, theres a bank on Center Street, Wheres the supermarket? Its next to the library.Is there a pay phone in the neighbhood?Yes, its on Bridge Street on the right. locations in the neighborhood such as post office, hotel,video arcade. Descriptive words such as new, old, dirty, clean. Descriptions of location such as across from, next to,Between Recycled language What are you doing? Do you want to ...? Section A Ask two rows of three students each to stand facing each other in the front of the classroom. Point to students standing in front and ask the class to repeat the questions and answers. Example 1 Teacher: WheresYang Li? (Point to two students standing beside each other.) Yang Li is next to Li Peng. Example 2 Teacher: Wheres Zheng Wen? (Point to two students in different lines facing each other.)Zheng Wen is across from Sheng Lin. Example 3 Teacher: Wheres Lin Jiahui? (Point to one student standing between two other students.) Lin Jiahui is between Sheng Lin and Li Dai. la This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus attention on the picture. Ask students to name as many of the places they see in the picture as they can.Then name all the places and ask students to repeat. Point out the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat. Then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each place in the picture next to the correct word or words on the list. Point out the sample answer f.Check the answers. 1 b This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language. Point out the buildings and other locations in the picture. Say the name of each one to the class. Say, Now I will play recordings of three conversations. Listen carefully and circle the picture of each place you hear on the tape.. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This tine ask students to listen and circle the items they hear on the picture. Correct the answers. These items should be circle:video arcade, post office, supermarket. Tapescript(录音稿) Convernation 1 A: Is there a video arcade on Fifth Avenue? B: Yes, there is. Conversation 2 A: Is there a post office near here? B: Yes, there is. Theres one on Bridge Street. Conversation 3 A: Is there a supermarket on Center Street? B: No, there isnt. 1 C This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the different locations shown in the picture.Ask different students to name each one. If necessary,say the name and ask the student to repeat. Point to the question and answer In the example conversation and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class. Ask other pairs of students to repeat the activity if you wish. Ask students to work in pairs. Say, First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn. Demonstrate(示范) the activity. Point to the picture and ask. Is there a post office near here? Then choose a student to answer. Guide the student to say, Yes,theres a post office on Bridge Street. As students work, move around the room and check progress(进展情况). Help students understand how to locate things on the map, if necessary. Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class. 教学后记: 教学方法有问题? 教了这么多年的英语,总幻想有一种方法,能让学生轻轻松松把英语学好。哪怕自己多浪费点时间。有时想来,自己的教学效率实在是太低了,每天不分上课上自习,都是一个样。也就是说在不误课的情况下,我的教学时间应该是学校规定时间的两倍,然而教学的效果却很不理想。每天看着自己的队伍步履蹒跚的前行,自己不由的怀疑自己的教学方法。 与此同时,这段时间由于我在学生每天记十个词前,先领读他们一遍,再分开音节,讲一讲英语的拼读规则,发现学生的记忆效率大大的提高,这更让我有理由怀疑自己的教学方法是不是不适合学生的实际? 吃早饭时突发“奇想”,是不是给学生一点时间,让他们把每单元几句重点句背下来更好呢?单词需要积累,这点勿容置疑。对于我们的学生来说,典型句子同样需要积累。句子背下来,在用的时候就可以举一反三,就像语文中背范文一样。对于我们我们这些基础较差的学生来说,他们在交际时需要模仿,在他们的记忆库中贮存就是十必要的。当然,如果学生能够在课堂上用英语去表达的"话,说明这些典型的句子他们已经掌握。但现实的情况是,这种方法更容易适用于尖子生,或者基础较好的学生,很多学生只是充当的观众。 让学生死记硬背是不对的,但不让学生背也是不对的。 2a This activity introduces the terms across from, next to, between, and on. Focus attention on the pictures. Ask students to talk about the pictures, naming as many places as they can.Then name all the places in the pictures and ask students to repeat. Point out the four sentences. Say each one and ask students to rcpeat. Then ask students to match each sentence with one of the pictures. Say, Eacb sentence talks about one of the pictures. Write the number of the sentence in the box on the picture that it is talking about. Point out the sample answer 1. Check ihc answers. 2b This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language. Point out the buildings and street names in la.Say each one and ask students to repeat. Call attention to the four sentences in 2b. Read them to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line. Say. Now I will play recordings of three conversations. Listen carefully and write a word from the box on each blank line. Point out the sample answer. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to fill in the blanks by listening to the items on the tape. Correct the answers. Tapescript(录音稿) Conwaraation 1 A: Excuse me. Is there a library around here? B: Yes. Its between the video arcade and the supermarket. Conversation 2 A: Wheres the park? B: The park? Oh, its across from the bank. Conversation 3 A: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket around here? B; Yes, itson Fifth Avenue. Conversation 4 A: Wheres the pay phone? B: Its next to the post office. 2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the list of buildings in la. Ask a student to read the list aloud. Point to the question and answer in the speech bubbles( 泡沫) in 2c and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class. Ask other pairs of students to repeat the activity if you wish. Ask students to work in pairs. Say, First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn. Ask about the buildings in 1a. Demonstrate(示范) the activity. Point to the map and ask,Wheres the park? Then choose a student to answer.Guide the student to say, Its across from the bank. As students work, move around the room and check progress.(进度) Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class. Grammar focus Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers. Ask students to circle these words in the grammar focus section of their books: on, across from, next to, and between. Ask, Which words talk about two different buildings? (across/row, next to, and between) Ask, Which one talks about one building all alone! (on) Culture note Many visitors to the United States believe that Americans dont like to answer questions or give directions(方向) to tourists(旅行者)and other visitors. This is not necessarily true. The pace of life is fast in the United States, especially(特别) in big cities. Most people walk quickly, talk quickly, and are in a hurry to get wherever they are going. Also, most Americans speak only one language and arent used to talking with speakers of other languages. However, when a visitor asks a question,many people are pleased to be able to share their knowledge of their city or their neighborhood. A pleasant smile and a short, direct question will almost always get you the information you need. 3a This

第4篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思

No. 110 Middle School by Cao Yi



本单元围绕“识别物品的所属”,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型“Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.”,体会一般疑问句的用法;学习如何写“失物招领、寻物启事”,巩固所学单词的拼写“How do you spell pen? P-E-N.”。通过以上几个方面的学习,既能提高学生解决问题的能力,又能巩固所学知识。本单元与第三单元衔接紧密:由this,that的学习过渡到these, those的学习,由指示一个人、物过渡到指示多个人、物,使学生学会区分远近单复数。


Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

How do you spell pen? P-E-N. What’s this in English? It’s a pen.

Lost and Found


运用Using contest guessing的学习策略,引导学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型;体会一般疑问句的用法;学习如何写“失物招领”,“寻物启事”。


重点 难点

1. 复习词汇pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case

2.词汇backpack pencil sharpener dictionary basketball computer game ring watch notebook ID card

3. 句型Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn"t.

How do you spell pen? P-E-N. What’s this in English? It’s a pen.

4. Lost and Found 话法焦点在于一般疑问句、Lost and Found.


本单元的主题是识别物品的所属,同时引导学生采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,学习新词汇,掌握重点句型,使学生能比较好地解决类似问题(失物招领、寻物启事),既能提高学生解决问题的能力,又能巩固所学知识。


采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,识别物品的所属,体会指示代词、一般疑问句的用法。



Section A用1课时

Section B部分用1课时

Self Check及阅读部分用1课时。

Section A


Section A(教材P7-9)



本单元围绕“识别物品的所属”使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型 “Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.”,体会一般疑问句的用法,巩固所学单词的拼写“How do you spell pen? P-E-N.”。提高学生拼写单词的能力。


采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,识别物品的所属,体会指示代词、一般疑问句的用法。







Section A通过Find the Owner Game,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型,体会一般疑问句的用法。



制作la部分的插图和人物对话的课件,人物以动画片的形式呈现,将听力部分的内容插入,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型;同时复习单词pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case,学习词汇backpack pencil sharpener dictionary.


复习所学物品的单词,体会一般疑问句的用法,巩固所学单词的拼写;掌握Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略。




教师活动 学生活动

1.利用插图或实物卡片,让学生将单词与实物相连复习一些单词、学一些生词。然后教师引导学习询问物品的主人的基本句型”Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.”。

2.让学生听对话,练习并模仿对话。识别物品的所属。 1.将单词与实物相连复习一些单词、学一些生词。学习询问物品的主人的基本句型“Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn"t.”。



教师活动 学生活动

1. 播放2a部分的录音让学生听,引导学生通过听录音熟悉物品名称”pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case”,完成2a,2b部分的教学任务。

2. 引导学生重复他们所听到的,模仿对话,识别物品的所属,完成2c部分的教学任务(Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn"t.)。

3. 概括语法点。 1. 通过听录音熟悉物品名称“ pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case”,完成2a,2b部分的教学任务。

2. 重复所听到的,模仿对话识别物品的所属,完成2c部分的教学任务(Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t)。

3. 熟悉语法点


教师活动 学生活动

引导学生复习3a表中的26个字母;然后练习36中的对话操练句型”How do you spell pen? P-E-N. What’s this in English? It’s a pen”。 复习3a表中的2b个字母;然后练习3b 中的对话操练句型“How do you spell pen? P-E-N. What’s this in English? It"s a pen.”。


教师活动 学生活动

通过Find the Owner Game,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型,体会一般疑问句的用法。培养猜测、推断的能力。 通过Find the Owner Game,学会询问物品的主人的基本句型,体会一般疑问句的用法。提高猜测、推断的能力。


本课采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片来展开课堂Pairwork, Find the owner Game的口语交际活动,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型,体会一般疑问句的用法。培养猜测、推断的能力。同时进行听力训练,培养学生口语交际能力。


Unit 2 Is this your pencil?

Section A

Words: pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionary

Drills:Is this/that/your/our/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

How do you spell pen? P-E-N.

What’s this in English? It’s a pen.

Grammar:Is this your/her/his …? Yes, it is. No, it isn"t.

Is that your/her/his…?Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.







( )1. What"s this in English? A. Nice to meet you, too.

( )2. Is it your dictionary? B. P-E-T-E-R.

( )3. I"m Gina. Nice to meet you. C. Yes, it is.

( )4. What’s your last name? D. It"s an ID card.

( )5. How do you spell it? E. Smith.

KEYS: 1.D 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B


比比看:把两个同学铅笔盒里的文具混在一起。然后请他们分别挑出自己和同伴的物品,看谁花的时间最少。在做这种练习时,可要求学生采用自言自语的方式,即一边挑物品,一边运用“This is my…. That’s her/his…”句型进行描述,这样可练习物主代词和指示代词的用法。

Section B


Section B(教材Pl0-11)





运用Pair work, Group work、写“寻物启事和失物招领”的活动方式,引导学生进行看、读、问答训练,巩固所学知识。培养口语交际的目标,加强听、说能力的培养。





复习词汇pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case

学习词汇backpack pencil sharpener dictionary basketball computer game ring watch notebook ID card.





利用录音使学生学习一些物品名词,并引导学生进行Pair work,学会询问“What’s this? It"s a … . How do you spell watch? W-A-T-C-H.”;引导学生写“寻物启事”和“失物招领”,画图猜测物品,巩固所学内容,培养学生动脑、动手的能力及拾金不昧的精神和助人为乐、团结友爱的品德。






教师活动 学生活动

1. 引导学生将单词与物品相连,形成直观记忆。

2.引导学生进行Pair work,操练句型”What,s this? It’s a ….How do you spell watch?W-A-T-C-H.”,完成1b中的学习要求。 1. 将单词与物品相连,形成直观记忆。

2.进行Pair work,操练句型“What" s this? It’s a … . How do you spell watch?W-A-T-C-H.”,完成1b中的学习要求。


教师活动 学生活动



3.引导学生进行Pair work. 1.听录音圈出所听到的单词。


3.进行Pair work。


教师活动 学生活动

1. 引导学生看3a部分的“寻物启事和失物招领”,圈出物品名词,了解写寻物启事和失物招领的内容和格式。完成3a的学习要求。

2. 引导学生看3b部分的条子。

3. 引导学生写“寻物启事和失物招”. 1.看3a部分的“寻物启事和失物招领”,圈出物品名词,了解写寻物启事和失物招领的内容和格式。完成3a的学习要求。

2. 看3b部分的条子。

3. 写“寻物启事”和“失物招领”。


利用录音使学生学习一些物品名词,并引导学生进行Pair work,引导学生写“寻物启事”和“失物招领”、画图猜测物品,巩固所学内容,培养学生动脑、动手的能力及拾金不昧的精神和助人为乐、团结友爱的品德。


Unit 2 Is this your pencil?

Section B

Words:backpack pencil sharpener dictionary basketball computer game ring watch notebook ID card key eraser ruler book

Drills:What’s this?it’s a … . Is it a watch?Yes,it is.No,it isn’t.

How do you spell watch? W-A-T-C-H.

Lost and Found


1. 失物招领





1. necpd _______ 2. searre __________ 3. bapackck __________ 4. yrsro ___________

5. nictodiary _________ 6. allbbksea __________ 7. tawhc ________ 8. oclsho _________

9. grin ________ 10. yek _________

Keys 1. pencil 2. eraser 3. backpack 4. sorry 5. dictionary 6 . basketball 7 .watch 8. school 9. ring 10. key



Self Check


Self Check&reading (教材P12)



复习词汇backpack pencil sharpener dictionary basketball computer game ring watch notebook ID card key eraser ruler book引导学生自我评价并建立个人生词表;



运用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略。



第三,引导学生看3中的图,编写对话操练“Is that/this your …?”。





复习词汇backpack pencil sharpener dictionary basketball computer game ring watch notebook ID card key eraser ruler book;



引导学生看3中的图,编写对话操练”Is that/this your…?“





收集本单元中尽可能多的单词进行自测。利用Lost and Found操练“Is that/this your…?”。




教师活动 学生活动


估,并欣赏Just for Fun! 进行自我检测,完成自我评估,并欣赏

Just for Fun!


教师活动 学生活动

引导学生看3中的图,编写对话操练“Is that/this your…?”。 看3中的图,编写对话操练“Is that/this your …?”。


引导学生进行自我检测,完成自我评估;利用词汇表将生词进行归纳整理记忆利用3中的图,编写对话操练“Is that/this your …?”


Unit 2 Is this your pencil?

Self Check

Words: backpack pencil sharpener dictionary basketball computer game ring watch notebook ID card key eraser ruler book

Drills: Is this/that your backpack? No, it isn’t. Yes, it is.











1. John在学校大门口丢了手表,请帮助他写一个寻物启事。他的电话号码是:495-3537.

2. Mary捡到两枚戒指并把它们放到失物招领箱中。请帮助她写一个失物招领启事,找到失主。




(1) 教师将课前收集的物品展示给学生,先询问:What’s this in English? 让学生回答:It"s a…,直到学生弄清楚是什么物品;

(2)在学生弄清楚是什么物品之后,再问他们这些东西是谁的:Whose is this/are these…?


(4)A后让每组中的学生互相询问物品的主人:Is this/that your…?No, it isn"t./Yes,it is.






Ask Answer

1. What’s your name? My name is Sonia.

2. What’s ________ name? ______ name is Tim.

3. What’s _______ name? ______ name is Kate.

4. What’s your teacher’s name? ______ name is Liu Yun.

5. What’s the bird’s name? _______name is Polly.

本题主要考察第三人称物主代词的用法。His他的,指男性;her她的,指女性;its它的,指事物。所以答案为:2. his 3. her 3. her 4. its

第5篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思





Go For It---Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

Period 4---Section B (3a---4)



任教班级:长乐二中初一( 5 )班


一、教材:新目标英语Go for it!(七年级下) Unit 11






a.       掌握表达自己个人对事物或人看法的动词和词组。

b.      谈论自己的喜好与憎恶。

c.       询问及回答对事物或人的看法。

如:What do you think of XX?

I love it /them.

I do,too.

What do you think of XX?

I can’t stand it/them.

I don’t ,either.




通过学习谈论对某些事物的喜欢与不喜欢,以此来培养学生学会自我评价,成为一个有个性的人。五、教学重点: 1、掌握陈述自己观点的动词及动词短语(the key vocabulary) love, like, don’t/doesn’t mind, don’t/doesn’t like, can’t stand 2、学会表达喜憎,以及怎样赞成别人的观点。六、教学难点: (1)   can’t stand 不能忍受/ don’t mind 不介意 (2)   like 喜欢  / love 热爱 (3)   What do you think of …?=How about …你认为…...怎么样?

五、教学步骤: Step1: Organization Step2: Assign the task Step3: Warm-up Step4: Leading in Step5: Pre-task Step6: While-task Step7: Practice Step8:Summary Step9: homework 八、教学过程: Step1 Organization Greeting with the Ss. Step2 Assign the task Boys and girls.in this period,we are going to learn to express our opinions and  make a survey report.Before we start the task.Let’s do some warm-up training. Step3 Warm-up

1)      One-minute dialogue:

2)      Word competition:

Step4 Leading in

Write some words or phrases on the Bb. Such as love , like , don’t/doesn’t mind , don’t/doesn’t like, can’t stand .Use the faces to help Ss understand the meaning of the words and the phrases.Ask some Ss to come to the Blackboard and draw the faces next to the words or phrases like this:

Love JJ

Like J

Don’t mind

Don’t like L

Can’t stand LL

Next ask the Ss how to ask sb’s opinions.They can answer “What do you think of …?”And then use the question to make conversations with the Ss. first make conversations with the Ss,then ask them to work in pairs and make conversations with their partners.They can begin like this:

S1:Hello,XX,what do you think of XX?

S2:I love it /them./I don’t like it/them.

S1:I do,too./I don’t ,either.(Attention to the plural forms of the countable nouns.)

Step5 Pre-task

Ask Ss to open their books and look at 3a on page 69.First give them some time to read the passage.Then let them fill in the chart on the Bb and make a survey report with them .If they finish the chart ,ask some of them to read the results of the survey.And then ask them to come to the Bb and fill in the chart.(Use the cards with the persons’ names to stick on the chart)Then teach the Ss how to make a survey report.

Task 1:(reading)

Addition:Everyone loves the belt.(Below is the chart)










1、hair clip

Ann Rice


Gina Taylor

Ann Rice

3、key ring

Jodie Smith


Jerry Green




William Jones




1、What does Jodie Smith think of the key ring? (likes)

2、What does Jordan think of the scarf?(can’t stand)

3、What does William Jones think of the wallet?(loves)

4、What does Gina Taylor think of the watch?(loves)

5、What does Ann Rice think of the hair clip and the watch?(likes,doesn’t mind)

6、What does Jerry Green think of the sunglasses?(likes)

7、Which thing does everyone love?( the belt)

Step6 While-task

Task 2:

Assign the task. And then ask the Ss to survey themselves.To show their opinions about these things below.

For example,I am Mr Lin.I don’t mind the hair clip ,so I can fill in my name below doesn’t mind.










1、hair clip

Mr Lin


3、key ring





On page 69,3b.Ask Ss to read the passage and fill the blank using their own real situation.And let some Ss to fill the chart on page 88.

Step 7 Practice(task 3)

Task 3: make a survey in small group ,and let some of the Ss make a report about the results of the survey in front of the class.

Step 8 Summary

In this period ,we learnt to show our opinions and survey other persons’ opinions .Then report the results of the survey.

Step 9 Homework

Recite 3a on page 69.

Make a survey in your family and make a chart.

Ready for the test of this unit.

第6篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思


新目标英语七年级下册Unit 11: What do you think of game shows?   Language goals to this unit students learn to state their opinions and talk about likes and dislikes. New language What do you think of soap operas? I dont like soap operas. What does he think of sports shows? He loves sports shows. What does she think of Maria? She likes Maria. What do they think of Tommy? They cant stand Tommy. Section A Additional materials to bring to class: a local television listing list the names of several foods on the board.For example: pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms. Next to that list, write the sentence, What do you think of ___ ? and leave a blank at the end. Ask a student the question, substituting the word pizza: What do you think of pizza? Help him or her answer / like pizza ot I dont like pizza,  Point to the other foods one by one. Ask a student the question and help him or her answer J like...or I dont like.... Then point to the sentence. What do you think of ___ ? Point to a food name on the board and choose a student to ask the question: What do you think of (mushrooms)? Then point to a student to answer. Repeat the activity several times, giving several students chances to ask and answer the question. 1 a  This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus attention on the five TVs. Say, Each TV shows  different kind of TV show. In TV picture a, there is a an playing baseball. This is called a sports show. Talk about the other kinds of shows and ask students what they see. Tell the name of each kind of show as you discuss the picture. Ask students to repeat the names of the shows. Write the word sitcom on the board. Under it write the words situation comedy. Say, The word sitcom comes from the two words situation comedy. A sitcom is a funny show. The people in sitcoms do or say things that make TV watchers laugh. Point out the numbered list of shows. Say each one again and ask students to repeat it. Then ask students to match each TV picture with one of the words. Say, Write the letter of each kind of show next to the correct word. Point out the sample answer. 1 b  This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Point to the smiley faces and the frowny faces and the words next to them. Read the words to the class or have a student do this. Say, These faces show you what the words mean. If you dont mind something, you dont either like it or dislike it. If you cant stand something, you dislike it very strongly. Your least favorite food is something you cant stand. If you love something, you like it very, very much. Your favorite food is something you love. Say, Now I will play a recording. Listen to what Mark says about the TV shows in la. Write the letter of the TV shows next to the words he uses. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Point to the lettered pictures. Say, Each picture has a letter. Point out the blank spaces before the words. Say, Each word or phrase has a space in front of it. Listen to the tape and write the letter of a TV show picture in each blank. Point out the sample answer. Correct the answers. 1 c  This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the pictures of TV shows in activity la and ask students to say the name of each kind of show. Point out the example conversation. Ask two students to read it to the class. Then ask the class to point to the picture of the sitcom. Say a dialogue with a student. Have the student ask ou a question. Then answer it truthfully. Point to the ppropriate picture as you answer. Say, Now work with a partner. Ask and answer the qstions. Have students work in pairs. As they talk, move round the room monitoring their work. Offer anguage or pronunciation support as needed. 2a  This activity provides listening practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of five words and expressions.Point out the blank in front of each one. Ask a student to read the list to the class. Say, The people on the recording are talking about TV shows. They use these words and phrases as they talk about the shows. You will number these words and phrases 1-5 in the order you hear them on the recording. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Point out the sample answer 1 in front of the word love. Say, The first word on the recording is love in the sentence I love it. So the answer in front o/love is number 1. Play the recording again. Ask students to write a number from 1 to 5 in front of each of the words and phrases. Check the answers. 2b  This activity provides more listening practice using the target language. Point out the dialogue with blanks. Read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank. Say, Listen to the recording again. This time/ill in each blank with a word or phrase from the list in 2a. Play the recording. Students write words in the blanks. Check the answers. 2c  This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Call attention to the dialogue students completed in activity 2b. Say, Read the dialogue with a partner. \\ Help students find partners. Have the students practice the dialogue several times. Then say, Now talk about a TV show you both know.Tell what you like and dont like about the show and the people in it. As students work together, move around the room answering questions and offering language sup- sport as needed. Ask some pairs of students to present their dialogue!to the class. 3a This activity provides pral and writing practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names to the class. Say, In this activity you ask each other questions about TV shows. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask student A in each pair to look at the chart on page 67. Ask student B to look at the chart on page 86. Remind students not to look at their partners pages. Say the first question and answer with a student. Pretend you are student A and work with a student partner.Say What does Stuart think of Sports News? Have student B look at the answer on his or her chart on page 86.Student B answers, Stuart loves Sports News. Show students that you are writing in the word loves after Stuarts name on the chart on page 67. Then say to your partner, Ask me about Stuart Student B asks, What does Stuart think of Sports News? You answer, Stuart likes Sports News. Have the student write the word likes after Stuarts name on the chart on page 86. Ask the pairs to continue on their own. Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs. Go over the answers. 3b This activity provides guided reading practice using the target language. Read the dialogue with a student. Every time one of you conies to a blank, say blank. Call attention to the chart students completed in activity 3a. Say, Use the words in this chart to fill in the blanks in the dialogue in activity 3b. 4  This activity provides listening, speaking, and writing practice using the target language. Read the instructions to the class. Then ask students to name some TV shows they know about. Write the list on the board. Try to include some that students like and some they dont like. Point out the dialogue in the speech bubbles. Have two students read it to the class. Then point out the sample answer in the chart. Say,This TV show is called Tell it like it is! I love it, and Lin Peng does, too. I write I love it under What I think and I write Lin Peng under Student who agrees with me. Say, Now go around the class. Ask students about TV shows you know. Find students who agree with you. After five minutes ask students to sit down. Then ask some students to read the information from their charts to the class. Ask students to make statements such as I dont like The Crime Files. Carlos doesnt like The Crime Files, too. Alternative: If you do not want st

第7篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

Language goal: talk about likes and dislikes.

Teaching aims: What do you think of…?

I love /like/don’t like/ don’t mind/can’t stand it/them.

Language function: Give opinions

Learning strategies: self-evaluation and personality

Teaching aids: multimedia, pictures, radio and objects

Teaching design:

Step 1 Pre-task

Ask some students to make a survey chart and bring some things they like or dislike.

Step 2 Warming up.

①duty report.

2.explain some words.

Step 3 Presentation

T :(show them some objects or pictures)

Do you like…?

S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

T: What do you think of…?

T:I like it.

T: What do you think of…(point to don’t like)

Ss: I don’t like …..

Use the same way to teach love, can’t stand, don’t mind

Step 4 Drill

T : What do you think of…?

S : I ….

(Answer according to what the teacher point to)

S:What do you think of…?


G1 G2: What do you think of …?

G3.G4: I ….

Work in pairs , use their own things or movies

Step 5 Presentation-drill

T: As we know, most of you like watching TV. What kind of TV show do you know ?

S : Talk show.

T: Great . Look at the screen. The picture is from Tell it like it is. It’s a talk show.

Ss: Talk show.

(Use the same way to teach soap opera, sports show, game show and sitcom then drill the target language using the new words.)

Step6 Practice

Make a survey.

Step7 summary :

What do you think of…?

I can’t stand…

Step 8 Games

T: Now, let’s play a game. If I ask in English. You must answer in Chinese. While I ask in Chinese , you must answer in English.

Step 9 Homework:

Read English Weekly.

Collect the names of some TV programmes.

第8篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思





第9篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思


Unit 9 How was your weekend? No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing  By Cao Yi Teaching Goal: 1. General aims: Talk about recent past events 2. Particular aims:   A. Language Focus.   Talk about recent past events and think of the past events. B. Language goals How was….? It was … What did …do over the weekend? C. Language structures: (1). How was your weekend? I was great. Pay attention to no form. (2). What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer. We went to the beach. D. Useful words and phrases:   Words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, wasn’t, false, number, geography, spend, week, most, mixture, their, had, little, cook, read, saw, change, everyone, sit, sat, no, anything   Phrases: did one’s homework, played soccer, cleaned my room, went to the beach, played tennis, went to the movies, on Saturday morning, over the weekend, cook … for, what about, do some reading, have a party, talk show, go shopping E. Grammar language:   Present simple past tense Regular and irregular verbs F. Learning strategies:  Tour and holidays G. Interdiscipinary:   H. Emotion and manner:   Teaching time: 5 periods Teaching procedures:   Period One (pp31-32)   教学步骤、时间 教师活动   学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk 3’ Ask some questions like: Who’s on duty today? What’s the weather like? Answer and talk about something.     让同学们回答下列问题 1. Do you like weekend? (Let some students answer) It takes them three minutes to talk about the question. 2. Why do you like weekend? (let the students answer) Most of the students like the weekend 此时教师用汉语问: “在周末期间问你干了什么? 这句话用英语这么回答? Let the students guess. At last the teacher give them right answer 3. What did you do over the weekend?(板书、学习) 4. What did you do over the weekend? (Let sb. answer the question) I-played basketball. 5. 出示三张照片(有各种活动) 6. Match the words with the picture   7. Let the students listen and write carefully. First listen, then listen and write the words like “morning afternoon” or “night”等 Find some students to answer. The students talk about it in pairs.   Students think of the sentences.               Students study and read the sentences First the students read after the teacher, the practice in pairs. 学生看图,互相问答:What did you do? The students look at the picture on page 29 and do it. Listen and write carefully.       媒体展示问题                   多媒体放映图一、图二、图三(关于周末的.活动) Step 3 Practice(5’) Pairwork Role play students A ask and student B answer Then let them do it in pairs A: What did you do over the weekend, Lucy? B: I played tennis. Students do it in pairs.   Step listen to 2a and 2b (5’) Listen and underline the words you hear, then listen again and write. Listen and underline Listen and write A \\ B \\ S carefully   Step 5 Summary (2’) 1. Words and phrases of the class. 2. What did you do over the weekend? I played ―. Look and listen carefully   Step 6 Test (5’) Selfcheck 1 and 2c Students do it 放映多媒体 Step 7 Consolidation Make a dialogue use “What did ―?”at least five questions. Divide the students into 7 groups.     Step 8 拓展练习(3’) 1. What did you do over the Weekend? 2. What did you do over the weekday? Students answer did things in different times. 多媒体展示、总结 Step 9 Homework (1’). 1. Practise the dialogue. 2. Grasp the grammar Focus.   多媒体放映   Period Two (p33)   教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) Ask a student “Do you like weekend”? Do you like weekday? The students answer and talk.           Step2 Presention (10’) (用班里学生为例作下列练习) 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. First let the students draw a picture of weekend然后让他们利用实物投影向我们说明 3. 用 “What did you do over the weekend?” 询问几个学生后,这着一个学生问“你的周末怎么样?” 4. Let the students change it into English. 板书 “How was your weekend?” Then let the students practice in pairs. 5. Write number (1-3) in the blanks. 1. Draw a picture of weekend 2. Tell the class about your weekend like” I played basketball in the morning. 3. The student answers. (have a try) Guess: How was your weekend? Read and study Then do it in pairs. Ex: How was your weekend? It’s great. I played basketball. Look at the picture in 3a. and write unmbers. 实物投影                   媒体展示         媒体展示答案 Step 3 Game 6’ Let Ss write 3 things they did over the weekend. One is false, the others are true. 然后把学生的描述利用实物投影机投到大屏幕上。 Write 3 sentences ion their paper. Look at the screen. Let the other Ss guess which one is true/false. 实物投影 Step 4 Summary 3’ 1. words 2. Grammar: How was your weekend? I was great. / I did … Read and remember 媒体显示 Step 5 Consolidation 10’ Divide the Ss into several groups. Every group must make up a dialogue. Use “What did you do on the weekend?”/How was your weekend? And so on. Make up a dialogue in groups and act it.   Step 6 拓展练习5’ 1. 让学生回忆一般过去时态。 2. 对照一般现在时和一般过去时,找出差异。 3. 总结 “be”动词的变化。 1. 回忆 2. 讨论 3. 总结 媒体显示 Step 7 Homework Practise the dialogue And answer some questions about the lesson.       Period Three (pp34-35)   教学步骤、时间   教师活动   学生活动  媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) 1. Ask the Ss some question. 2. check some questions. Put up hands and answer.   Step 2 Presention (10’) (问班里的学生) 1. what did you do over the weekend? 2. 昨天你做了什么?↓引出   What did you do yesterday? ---A played….(板书/学习) 3. Let the Ss look at the screen.   There are four pictures on the screen. These things that Sally and Jim did yesterday, then match. 4. Give the right answers. 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c   5. look at the 1b, let the Ss draw happy faces or unhappy faces. 6. listen to the taps twice, first listen carefully, then let the Ss to listen carefully and write the right answers. Answer one by one     Translate it into English             Look at the screen carefully and match the words with the pictures.   Listen to the tape carefully. Write the right answers.   媒体显示4幅画                         媒体显示 Step 3 Practice(5’) 1. Have a conversation to tell what Sally and Jim do? 2. What did Jim do?   Jim went to the movies. 3. Let the Ss ask freely 4. Ask: What did the Ss do over the weekend? ex: practice The students practice in pairs       Act out in pairs or groups. Answer the teacher’s questions Ask some pairs to the front to act out.   Step 4 Summary 3’ Phrases: played the guitar. Did my homework. Studied geography. Went to the library. What did Jim do yesterday? Read and remember.   Step 5 Test 1 见题后组1 D o some exercises. 多媒体展示 Step 6 consolidation Divide the students into several groups And let them make dialogues using these sentences: What did you do yesterday? How was your weekend? What did you do over the weekend? Write the dialogues and practice in groups.   Step 7 拓展显示 根据下列句子: 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. How was your weekend? 考虑“昨天或周末你去了哪里?”用英语怎样表达? 1. look at some sentences and think it over. 2. 讨论/交流 3.总结 媒体展示 Step 8 Homework Grasp the new words and expression sentences.  

第10篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思










第11篇: 新目标英语七年级下5单元教案新目标版七年级英语下册教学反思

No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing By Cao Yi

Teaching Goal:

1. General aims:

Talk about jobs.

2. Particular aims:

A. Language Focus.

Talk about jobs and the place where people work.

B. Language goals

(1). What do you do? I’m a reporter.

(2). What does she want to be? She wants to be a sales assistant.

C. Language structures:

(1). What do you do? I am a teacher.

(2). What does he want to do? He wants to be an officer.

(3). Does your father work? Yes, he does.

(4). What does your mother do?

D. Useful words and phrases:

Words: assistant, sales assistant, doctor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, star, thief, nurse, money, station, magazine, dinner, dangerous, afraid, late

Phrases: get … from, work for, work hard, call at, school play, evening newspaper, be afraid of

E. Grammar language:

Special questions

F. Learning strategies:

Learn other’s job

G. Interdiscipinary:

Social and communication.

H. Emotion and manner:

Teaching time: 6 periods

Teaching procedures:

Period One (pp19-20)


1. Match the vocabulary: sales assistant. Doctor. Actor. Reporter. Police. Officer. Waiter. Bank clerk. student

2. Master and use: What do you do? What does he do? Does he work in hospital?



1. The vocabulary

2. language: What does she do? She is a doctor.

难点Use the language to ask for the jobs

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体运用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class


Ree talk 2’ Talk about the weather and weeks. The student talk about something.

Step 3


15’ 1. Ask students to look at the picture and remember what they can see

2. Find four groups to say the words that they remember. (教师板书,学生说出)

3. Talk about the picture then make a dialogue.

Such as: What is this? It’s a store. What can you see? I can see a sweater. What color is t? It’s green. How much is it? It’s 50 dollars

4. Ask students: What is your father? He is a worker. (Tell them another way of saying:

What does your father do?板书)出示一张人物以及职业的图片,问学生:

Is he a worker? No, he isn’t. What is he? He is a doctor. 或问:What does he do?


Such as: A: What does he do?

B: He is a reporter.

5. Listen to the tape: 1b. 2a. ab.

Listen and number the people (1-3) in the picture above. Listen carefully three times. Point out the picture in activity 2a. Ask who each person is, say, Now work with your partner. Ask and answer questions about the pictures.

Ask ss to close their books and write down the words about the things.

Ask ss to act out in pairs or groups.

Call more students to practice more.

Ask ss about jobs in pairs or groups.





Step 4

Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

I am a student.

What does your father do?

He is a farmer. 给学生们一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都能有机会来表演。


Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class.

Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker. He wants to be a sales assistant. 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 text 4’ 1、Self check 让学生作后再讲解答案。 多媒体放映

Step 7 Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

What do you do? What does he do?

What does he want to be?

Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework(1’) Practice The dialogue according to the picture on Page 1. 让学生写出五个询问对方职业的句子。

Period Two (p21)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体运用

Step 1

Organization Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Talk about the family and the jobs, Such as; My father is a worker, And He works in a hospital The student talk freely

Step 3

Presentation 3’

1. Ask students to make some sentences with these words; waiter. Bank clerk. Reporter. Nurse. Police officer.

2. Look at the picture and match the jobs with the people in the pictures. Such as; I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people match the bank clerk.

3. Let the students practice more and more.

4. They make a conversation to proc-tise the drills.

For example: What do you do?

I help doctors and patients. Some people call us “angels in white”, Can you guess what I do?

5. Pairwork: Practise the conversation on the right. Use the jobs and places in activity 3a.

Where does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

What does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

What does she do? She’s a doctor.

6. Game: Guess the game!

Draw a picture of someone at work.

Can your classmates guess the job?

Just like: Is he a police officer?

No, he isn’t? Is he a waiter?

Yes, he is 1. 叫学生口头造句,用一些有关职业的句子。争取大部分的同学都有回答的机会,多次重复加大练习。

2. 教师边让学生读句子边解释这些句子的意思。

3. 教师边让学生读句子,做到熟练掌握。

4. 采用游戏的形式,让尽可能多同学参与。







Step 4

Practice(6’) Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

Where does he work?

He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t 给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都能有机会来表演 多媒体放映

Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class

Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker.

He wants to be a sales assistant.

Where does he work?

He words in a hospital.

Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. 以提问的形式来进行总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会

Step 6

Test 4’ 1、Self check(见后面) 让学生作后在讲解答案 多媒体放映

Step 7

Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

Where does he work? He works in a factory.

A bank clerk: I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people.

Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework Pratice the dialogue according to the picture on Page 25. 让学生写出五个句子,分别询问职业和工作地点

Period Three (pp22-23)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Oranization1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Oral practice: Games, words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous, boring The students talk about freely

Step 3

Presentation 8’ 1. Let students look at the picture and guess the jobs. The teacher describes the jobs and let students guess what. Ask job does the person have? Where does the person work?

2. Then use explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. For example, Exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving.

A police officer has an exciting job.

3. Let students practice. Such as: He is a police officer. It’s an exciting job.

4. Listen to the conversation. What jobs do Betty, Jenny, and Sam want? Then write the jobs below.

5. Listen again. Why are Betty, Jenny, and Sam interested in these jobs? Complete the chart above.

6. Listen to the tape: Listen and number the picture(1-3) below.

Then practise the dialogue.

7. Grammar focus: 1.叫学生口头造句用一些有关职业的句子。争取大部分的同学都有回答的机会,多次重复加大练习。

2. 教师边让学生读句子边解释这些句子的意思。

3. 叫学生口头练习一些有关这方面的句子。

4. 听录音,让学生填写表格,然后再纠正答案。

5. 分组练习,让学生大面积的练习。

6. 让学生朗读Gammar Focus 多媒体放映





Step 4

Practice 6’ 7. Read the newspaper want ads. And fill in the blanks with the correct jobs.

One: Wanted: Do you like to work late? Do you like to work hard? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as a …… 给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。


Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class Language:

本节课主要是听录音来完成各种对话,充分让学生学会职业的文法以及地点的表达法。 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 test 4’ 1、Self check(见后面) 让学生做后再讲解答案 多媒体放映

Step 7 Consolidation 4’ 在这节课例我们主要听录音然后回答问题,让学生充分练习听力,达到会听、会说然后在自己编对话来练习。 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework Read the newspaper more and more. 让学生朗读3A部分的内容。

Period Four (P24)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Oral composition: My parents.

Such as: I have a very happy family.

My father is a worker. He works in a factory. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. 学生口头作文,让他们把学到的知识系统地用到自己的作文中来。练习关于职业以及工作地点的表达。

Step 3


1. Let the students hurry to read the words they can’t remember.

2. Then the teacher guid the students to go over the words. See how the students have grasped.

3. Ask students to write five new words in their Vocab-builder.

4. Practise: I magine you want one of the jobs at BFS. Write and explain why your are good person for the job.

They don’t have to use real information about themselves-they can imagine that they have the skills needed to do one of the jobs. Remind them that they have to show why they are good for the job.

5. Go over the whole unit, first the words and useful expressions.

Then go over the frills: What do you do? What does he do?

Where does he work? He works in a factory. 1. 学生自测,看看他们急得如何。

2. 在让学生写五个生词填在单词表上。

3. 找工作:以小组为单位讨论。个人介绍推销自己。

4.总复习时,领着学生复习全部单词,争取让每一个学生都能来掌握。 多媒体放映





Step 4

Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

Where does he work?

He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t

给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。 多媒体放映

Step 5

Summary 2’ Game: How to find a good job? Discuss and make a dialogue. 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 test 4’ 1. Self check(见后面)

In this class, we have learned self- 多媒体放映

Step 7


(4’) Check, then go over the whole unit. I think most of the students have grasped them very well. 让学生写一篇作文。 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework 1’ Especially the jobs and the places.

Compostion: How to find a good job?

Period Five

Testing (Weekly paper and Nan’an paper)





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